Northern Virginia
George Washington at his Winchester
office while he was a surveyor. |
Mount Vernon - Feb. 17-19 - Mount Vernon: George Washington's Estate & Gardens Celebrate George Washington's Birthday . Enjoy "hoecakes swimming in butter and honey" � his favorite breakfast! Join General Washington at his beloved home, participate in America's Smallest Hometown Parade, complete with fife & drums corps, listen to 18th-century music and visit the farm animals.
Alexandria - Feb. 18-20 - George Washington Birthday Celebration is a three-day weekend of fun events celebrating Alexandria's favorite son! See the parade in Old Town with bands, floats and reenactment units on Monday. Other attractions include walking tours around the town, the 10-K race and Birthday Ball. Historic sites, including Gadsby's Tavern and Carlyle House offer free admission, too!
Fredericksburg - Feb. 20 - President's Day honors George Washington, a local boy who made good! Admission is half-price at the Mary Washington House, Hugh Mercer Apothecary Shop and the Rising Sun Tavern, places where Washington frequented.
Central Virginia
Charlottesville - Through Feb. 28 - Winter Tour: "A Society to Our Taste: Thomas Jefferson and His Friends & Neighbors" focuses on those friends who shared his interests and lived nearby � James and Dolley Madison and James Madison.
Charles City - Feb. 18-20 - Tippecanoe & Tyler Too Presidents' Day Tour at Berkeley Plantation highlights the home of our nation's ninth president, William Henry Harrison, "Old Tippecanoe." Learn about the exciting presidential campaign of 1840.
Chesapeake Bay
Oak Grove - Feb. 18-20 - Presidents' Day Open House at Ingleside Vineyards invites you to raise a toast to Ingleside's neighbors, George Washington and James Monroe. Complimentary refreshments and discounts on wines are included with the tour and wine tastings. |